- I advised them to watch out for slick spots on the sidewalk.
我叫他们当心人行道上路滑的地方。 - The slick floor brought me down in a heavy fall.
光滑的地板把我重重地摔了一跤。 - The hurricane carried away the roof as slick as a whistle.
飓风把屋顶不费吹灰之力地刮掉了。 - I don't trust those slick salesmen.
我不信任那些油嘴滑舌的推销员。 - My new boss is definitely a slick politician.
- He used to slick his hair everyday before school.
他曾经每天在上学之前梳好头发。 - He said we must slick up our swords and guns, and get ready.
- There is a slick of oil on the water.
水面上有一片浮油。 - The oil slick seriously threatens marine life around the islands.
Polishing pad with releasable slick particles
Slick (Slo2.1), a rapidly-gating sodium-activated potassium channel inhibited by ATP
On the Mueller Scattering Matrix for SAR Sea Oil Slick Observation
Slick detection in SAR images
Modulation of the Spectra of Short Gravity Waves by Sea Surface Films: Slick Detection and Characterization with a Microwave Probe
Oil Slick Transport in Rivers
Collection of Slick-Forming Materials from the Sea Surface
Reverse Emulsion-based Slick Water Concentration System with Drag Reduction, Flow Back Enhancement and Clay Stabilization Functions
A Slick Evernote Trick for Meeting and Event Planners
Association between uncoupling protein polymorphisms (UCP2-UCP3) and energy metabolism/obesity in Pima indians.