Neurophysiological predictor of SMR-based BCI performanceNeurophysiological Predictor of SMR-based BCI PerformanceThe SMR family: a novel family of multidrug efflux proteins involved with the efflux of lipophilic drugs.Combining CA 125 and SMR serum markers for diagnosis and early detection of ovarian carcinomaNeurophysiological predictor of SMR-based BCI performance. NeuroImage 51(4), 1303-1309Abstract scoring for the annual SMR program: significance of reviewer score normalizationSIMPLE METHOD TO CALCULATE THE CONFIDENCE INTERVAL OF A STANDARDIZED MORTALITY RATIO (SMR)Re: "A simple method to calculate the confidence interval of a standardized mortality ratio (SMR)"EEG and behavioral changes in a hyperkinetic child concurrent with training of the sensorimotor rhythm (SMR)Contribution of mitochondrial proton leak to respiration rate in working skeletal muscle and liver and to SMR.