Let's can this separation of smutch and wasteThe optimal design of lighting systems for designated office building in Thailand according to ministerial, the Type or Size of Buil...THE INFLUENCE OF MIGRATORY PROCESSES ON DEMOGRAPHIC DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINEМіграція науковихкадрів тазаходи її зменшеннязметоюзбереження інтеле...The features of emigration processes in UkraineMIGRATORY THREATS TO NATIONAL SECURITY OF UKRAINE: CURRENT CHALLENGES AND WAYS OF REGULATIONActivation of social innovations as a premise for development of human resourcesАктивізація соціальних інновацій якпередумоварозвиткулюдськихресурс..."What? Hast smutched thy nose?": Medical Discourse in The Winter's Tale.The features of human resource management: Genesis of scientific thought