Biosci,Biotech.Biochem., 59 (12)2,336 2338, 1995 Note BlasticidSinDeaminaseGene (BSD): New SelectioMnarker Gene forTransformation of...Alpha-emitting bismuth cyclohexylbenzyl DTPA constructs of recombinant humanized anti-CD33 antibodies: pharmacokinetics, bioactivity...The minimal quark-lepton symmetry model and the limit on Z′-massDistance Friction and the Cost of Hunting in Tropical ForestMaternidad: transformaciones en la familia y en las relaciones de géneroRESERVES DE CAPACITE PORTANTE DES MURS DE SOUTENEMENT EN PALPLANCHESINTRODUCTION OF TOBACCO INTO EUROPEThe Dream, by H. G. Wells : 5. — FANNY DISCOVERS HERSELFA Lover's DiaryReal people mentioned in the novel