Surgical suture-snagging methodAn Improved Radio Transmitter Harness with a Weak Link to Prevent Snagging (Nuevo arnés para colocar radiotransmisores en aves)Snagging the top quark with a neural net.EXPLANATION Basin boundary Clearing and snagging Channelization Year work was completedImportance of streamside forests to large rivers: The isolation of the Willamette River, Oregon, U.S.A. From its flood-plain by snag...Quantification of Wood Habitat in Subtropical Coastal Plain StreamsImportance of Snag Habitat for Animal Production in Southeastern StreamsChanging Numbers of Spawning Cutthroat Trout in Tributary Streams of Yellowstone Lake and Estimates of Grizzly Bears Visiting Stream...Efficacy of Lures and Hair Snares to Detect LynxRisk of capture-related mortality in large free-ranging mammals: experiences from Scandinavia