and its Effect for Sinus-lifting Motion ["ITelemanipulation of Snake-Like Robots for Minimally Invasive Surgery of the Upper AirBiologically Inspired Robots: SnakeLike Locomotors and ManipulatorsWhy does a trait evolve multiple times within a clade? Repeated evolution of snakelike body form in squamate reptiles.On a new snakelike reptile from the Lower Cenomanian of Ein Jabrud, near JerusalemPachyrhachis problematicus Haas, snakelike reptile from the Lower Cenomanian: Ventral view of the skullChaos, periodicity, and snakelike continuaSnake-like continuaTurning and side motion of snake-like robotA Dexterous System for Laryngeal Surgery Multi-Backbone Bending Snakelike Slaves for Teleoperated Dexterous Surgical Tool Manipulation