À Nice, le jazz se conjugue au futur
The Snarky Guide To Cigars (The Snarky Books)
Letter to Senator Sanders – From a Nine-Year Old
Helping Students Gain Career Skills and Workforce Experience
How Can You Convince Others to Pitch In?
Snarky Shrews Gender Comedy and the Uses of Sarcasm: Essays on Sarcasm in Medieval and Early Modern Literature and Cultures
The hunting of the SNaRC: a snarky solution to the species problem
Snarky Signatures: Minimal Signatures of Knowledge from Simulation-Extractable SNARKs
Who let “the pigs” out? Or why edgar allan poe wouldn’t, or couldn’t, or almost certainly didn’t write the most snarky american...
Fairy Tales I Just Made Up: Snarky Bedtime Stories for Weirdo Children