sniffer dog嗅探犬;专门嗅探毒品或爆炸物的警犬
- Provide a hardware switch to enable connecting a sniffer to multiple links.
提供硬件转换以便能够链接嗅探器到不同的地址。 - The technique of Sniffer Discovery is a hard problem in network security.
Glue sniffer's neuropathy
Demographic/preference sniffer
Sniffer to determine the odor of gas chromatographic effluents
Field-deployable sniffer for 2,4-dinitrotoluene detection.
Hepatorenal damage from toluene in a "glue sniffer".
SNAMP: A Multi-sniffer and Multi-view Visualization Platform for Wireless Sensor Networks
A bio-sniffer stick with FALDH (formaldehyde dehydrogenase) for convenient analysis of gaseous formaldehyde
The Drosophila carbonyl reductase sniffer prevents oxidative stress-induced neurodegeneration.
Network Traffic Analysis and Intrusion Detection Using Packet Sniffer
Enrollment into a time sensitive clinical study in the critical care setting: results from computerized septic shock sniffer impleme...