SnipefishSnipefishSnipefishA new maximum length for the snipefish Macroramphosus scolopaxAge and growth of the snipefish, Macrorhamphosus spp., in the Portuguese continental watersDistribution and abundance of snipefish (Macroramphosus spp.) off Portugal (1998-2003)Biometry and distribution of snipefish, Macroramphosus scolopax(Linnaeus, 1758), in the Adriatic SeaDiscrimination of snipefish Macroramphosus species and boarfish Capros aper morphotypes through multivariate analysis of body shapeThe reproductive behavior of the longspine snipefish, Macrorhamphosus scolopax (Syngnathiformes, Macrorhamphosidae)Biometric characteristics of longspine snipefish, Macroramphosus scolopax (Linnaeus, 1758) from the southern Adriatic SeaLarval development in a snipefish ( Macroramphosus scoplopax ) from Japan with notes on eastern Pacific and Mediterranean Macroramph...Maturation cycle in the female gonad of the snipefish, Macrorhamphosus gracilis (Lowe, 1839) (Gasterosteiformes, Macrorhamphosidae),...The ecological significance of the zooplanktivores, snipefish Macroramphosus spp. and boarfish Capros aper, in the food web of the s...