- The dad-blamed car got stuck in a snowdrift.
该死的汽车陷在雪堆里了。 - The fence with the thickest boards created a tall, narrow snowdrift close to the fence that lasted a long time.
Snowdrift :
Spatial snowdrift game with myopic agents
Snowdrift game dynamics and facultative cheating in yeast
Three-dimensional numerical simulation of snowdrift
Characteristics and Growth of a Snowdrift in Arctic Alaska, U.S.A.
The contribution of snowdrift sublimation to the surface mass balance of Antarctica
Evolution of cooperation under Formula Not Shown -person snowdrift games
Cooperative Behavior in a Model of Evolutionary Snowdrift Games with $N$-person Interactions
Human cooperation in social dilemmas: comparing the Snowdrift game with the Prisoner's Dilemma
Evolution of cooperation under N N mathContainer Loading Mathjax -person snowdrift games
Invasion and expansion of cooperators in lattice populations: Prisoner’s dilemma vs. Snowdrift games