- I can't remember when we had such a snowy day.
我记不得何时我们曾有过这样多雪的日子了。 - It's cold and snowy in December.
十二月是寒冷多雪的。 - A snowy morning is a theatre of memory.
下雪的早晨令人浮想联翩。 - The snowy weather lasted the whole time we were there.
Snowy Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus)
Age-related survival and behavior of snowy plover chicks
Acoustic synchrony: two mechanisms in the snowy tree cricket.
Long-Distance Breeding Dispersal of Snowy Plovers in Western North America
Effect of Mammalian Predator Management on Snowy Plover Breeding Success
Characteristics and Energetics of Great Egret and Snowy Egret Foraging Flights
Mating System and Reproductive Success of a Small Population of Polygamous Snowy Plovers
Spacing out at Mono Lake: nest density, breeding success and predation in the Snowy Plover
Spacing out at Mono Lake: Breeding Success, Nest Density, and Predation in the Snowy Plover
Evidence That Human Disturbance Reduces Snowy Plover Chick Survival (Evidencia que el disturbio por parte de humanos reduce la sobre...