SNUFFERSSNUFFERSSNUFFERSWick snuffersCIGARETTE SNUFFERS FOR ASH TRAYSMethod of sealing snuffersTSNA adducts in smokers, nonsmokers and snuffersTSNA adducts in smokers, nonsmokers and snuffers"The Candlestick and the Snuffers": Some Thoughts on The Portrait of a LadyProfiling of smokers and snuffers among young Finnish men – cross-sectional epidemiological study*No delayed bone healing in Swedish male oral snuffers operated on by the hemicallotasis technique: a cohort study of 175 patients.Plasma concentration of ascorbic Acid and some hematological parameters in tobacco snuffers among the igbos of southeastern NigeriaComparative risk perception between non users of tobacco, current cigarette smokers and current snuffers, South African Social Attit...