- The dog was snuffling around the roots of a tree.
Snuffling out the butts
Snuffling in the BSF trough
Snuffling the spoor [Book Review]
Snuffling around the web for knowledge
Patient education. The snuffling infant
Snotting and Snuffling: The Cat with Chronic Upper Respiratory Disease
Virus pneumonia (snuffling disease) in laboratory rats and wild rats due to an agent probably related to grey lung virus of mice.
Additional file 3: Descriptive statistics for walking, trotting, snuffling and resting for the Eurasian badger (Meles meles)
Additional file 2: Example static and dynamic acceleration of four behaviours (walking, trotting, snuffling and resting) for the Eur...
Additional file 1: Example raw acceleration and frequency spectra of four behaviours (walking, trotting, snuffling and resting) for ...