- He is a person of important social status.
他是一个有重要社会地位的人。 - Such actions do not comport with your high status.
Behavioral antecedents of peer social status.
Dimensions and types of social status: A cross-age perspective.
Early Social Status and the Development of Life-History Strategies in Atlantic Salmon
Metabolic rate, social status and life-history strategies in Atlantic salmon.
The Impact of Social Status, Family Structure, and Neighborhood on the Fertility of Black Adolescents
Subjective social status: its determinants and its association with measures of ill-health in the Whitehall II study.
Wariness of coyotes to camera traps relative to social status and territory boundaries
Duration of courtship displays corresponds to social status in male greater sac-winged bats ( Saccopteryx bilineata )
Relationship of subjective and objective social status with psychological and physiological functioning: preliminary data in healthy...
From Censure to Reinforcement: Developmental Changes in the Association Between Aggression and Social Status.