- They bast me without any reason.
他们无缘无故地大骂我。 - Mother used a large spoon to baste the chicken.
母亲在鸡肉上润以一大匙的油脂。 - You must baste the duck with its own fat every time you turn the duck.
Global biodiversity assessment. Summary for policy-makers
GEO5 – Global Environmental Outlook – Environment for the Future We Want
Maternal smoking and birthweight: effect modification of period, maternal age and paternal smoking.
Prevalence of obstructive lung disease in a general population: relation to occupational title and exposure to some airborne agents.
Superior vena cava thrombosis related to catheter malposition in cancer chemotherapy given through implanted ports
Sleeping position and sudden infant death syndrome in Norway 1967-91.
Development of damage in a 2D woven C/SiC composite under mechanical loading: I. Mechanical characterization
Development of damage in a 2D woven C/SiC composite under mechanical loading: II. Ultrasonic characterization
Levels of plasma thrombomodulin are increased in atheromatous arterial disease.
Bronchial responsiveness in a Norwegian community.