The contractile basis of ameboid movement. VI. The solation-contraction coupling hypothesis
Regulation of microvillus structure: calcium-dependent solation and cross-linking of actin filaments in the microvilli of intestinal...
Myosin II transport, organization, and phosphorylation: evidence for cortical flow/solation-contraction coupling during cytokinesis ...
The contractile basis of amoeboid movement. II. Control of gelation, solation and contraction in extracts from Dictyostelium discoid...
The contractile basis of amoeboid movement. V. The control of gelation, solation, and contraction in extracts from Dictyostelium dis...
Modulation of contraction by gelation/solation in a reconstituted motile model
Cytoplasmic structure and contractility: the solation--contraction coupling hypothesis.
The role of solation-contraction coupling in regulating stress fiber dynamics in nonmuscle cells
Reevaluation of brush border motility: calcium induces core filament solation and microvillar vesiculation
Cyanobacterial picoplankton from Lake Constance I. solation by fluorescence characteristics. J Plankton Res