Robust detection of sonorant landmarksSonorant relationships in two varieties of Sardinian (2009)Sonorant voicing specification in phonetic, phonological and articulatory contextPhonetics-phonology interactions in pre-sonorant voicingA Reexamination of the Feature [Sonorant]: The Status of 'Sonorant Obstruents'Constraints on the metathesis of sonorant consonants in Judeo-Spanish : ProbusHow pervasive is preaspiration? Investigating sonorant devoicing in Sienese ItalianStructural constraints in the perception of English stop-sonorant clustersAspiration, Preaspiration, Deaspiration, Sonorant Devoicing and Spirantization in IcelandicArticulatory coordination in obstruent-sonorant clusters and syllabic consonants: Data and modelling