- That would sort of ruin the point.
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Geography: A Different Sort of Discipline?
'She sort of shines': midwives' accounts of 'good' midwifery and 'good' leadership.
âI sort of pay back in my own little wayâ: managing independence and social connectedness through reciprocity
"That sort of place...where filthy men go...": a qualitative study of women's perceptions of genitourinary medicine services.
“But it just has that sort of feel about it, a leper”—Stigma, smoke-free legislation and public health
Device for determining the adhesivenes factor of a particular sort of feed
Jennifer Mundale express the concernthat nonreductive materialism will have this sort of result-"Multiple RealizabilityRevisited: L...
Distillation or Evaporation Method and Equipment for Salt Water or Sort of Fluid by Reheated Steam at Multiple Effect Evaporation Sy...