mass spectrograph n. [物]质谱仪
grating spectrograph光栅摄谱仪
- Molecules around stars leave imprints in their light, which the spectrograph can detect.
The Infrared Spectrograph on the Spitzer Space Telescope
ELODIE: A spectrograph for accurate radial velocity measurements
The SMART Data Analysis Package for the Infrared Spectrograph on theSpitzer Space Telescope
SpeX: A Medium‐Resolution 0.8–5.5 Micron Spectrograph and Imager for the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility
Design and development of NIRSPEC: a near-infrared echelle spectrograph for the Keck II telescope
Design and development of NIRSPEC: a near-infrared echelle spectrograph for the Keck II telescope
Spextool: A Spectral Extraction Package for SpeX, a 0.8–5.5 Micron Cross‐Dispersed Spectrograph
Design, construction, and performance of UVES, the echelle spectrograph for the UT2 Kueyen Telescope at the ESO Paranal Observatory
Observations of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies with the Infrared Spectrograph on the Spitzer Space Telescope: Early Results on Mrk ...
First mid-infrared spectrum of a faint high-z galaxy: Observations of CFRS 14.1157 with the Infrared Spectrograph on the Spitzer Spa...