consumer spending消费性开支;消费者开销
public spending政府开支;公用事业支出
spending power消费力
capital spending资本开支,资本支出;资本投资
investment spending投资支出
discretionary spending可自由支配的个人开支
deficit spending(尤指政府的)赤字开支;寅吃卯粮
spending pattern消费模式;开支模式;支出形态
- We shall have to cut back on our spending.
我们将不得不削减我们的经费。 - The city council will bring down the new spending plans on Monday.
Military health spending growth slows
Annual medical spending attributable to obesity
Large Changes in Fiscal Policy: Taxes versus Spending
Annual Medical Spending Attributable To Obesity: Payer-And Service-Specific Estimates
Protecting households from catastrophic health spending
The Implications of Regional Variation in Medicare Spending. Part 1
Business Fixed Investment Spending: Modeling Strategies, Empirical Results, and Policy Implications
Paradox Lost? Firm-Level Evidence on the Returns to Information Systems Spending
Paradox lost? Firm-level evidence on the returns to information systems spending
Prescription Drug Cost Sharing: Associations With Medication and Medical Utilization and Spending and Health