spent fuel乏燃料,用过的燃料
spent catalyst废催化剂;用过的催化剂
spent liquor废液
spent caustic废碱液
spent acid[化]废酸
- He fired a shot, then ejected the spent cartridge.
他开了一枪,然后倒出了用过的弹夹。 - At the end of the hot day the spent workers slept under a shady tree.
Amount of time spent in sedentary behaviors in the United States, 2003-2004
A photographer spent 25 years documenting rich people — meet some of her most memorable subjects
A couple spent over $31,000 on their wedding at an Italian castle — here's how they broke down their budget
Comparison of three methods for measuring the time spent in physical activity.
Environmentally〧riendly Lithium Recycling From a Spent Organic Li㊣on Battery
Revalorization of Spent Bleaching Earth a Waste from Vegetable Oil Refinery Plant by an Efficient Solvent Extraction System
Environmentally sustainable applications of agro-based spent mushroom substrate (SMS): an overview
Denture﹉andling ability of elderly persons with dementia: Examination of time spent inserting and removing dentures
Development of a hydrometallurgical route for the recovery of molybdenum from spent hydrodesulphurization catalyst using Cyphos IL 104
Isolation and characterization of novel bacterial strain present in a lab scale hybrid UASB reactor treating distillery spent wash