team spirit n. 团队精神;合作精神
holy spirit [宗]圣灵(等于Holy Ghost)
in the spirit of本着…的精神
olympic spirit奥林匹克精神;奥运精神
national spirit民族精神;国魂
in spirit在精神上
pioneering spirit开拓精神;首创精神;闯劲
enterprising spirit进取心,进取精神;创业精神
evil spirit恶魔;妖精
professional spirit n. 专业精神
white spirit石油溶剂油
time spirit n. 时代精神
high spirit斗志昂扬;勇气
free spirit n. 无拘无束的人;自由自在的人
group spirit团队精神
public spirit公益精神,公德心
entrepreneur spirit企业家精神;事业心
competitive spirit竞争意识,好胜心
spirit level水准仪;水平仪
collective spirit集体精神
- Her rich hair shaded her spirited and yet soft countenance.
她那浓黑的秀发衬托着一张神采奕奕,却是柔和温存的脸蛋。 - He was a very spirited, sentimental energetic boy of wide interests and talent.
他生气勃勃,富有感情,精力充沛,是一个兴趣广泛而又有才能的男孩子。 - Our journey was beguiled with spirited talk.
我们旅行中谈笑风生,过得很愉快。 - His spirited commentary made the match very interesting even on the radio.
他对比赛作的实况报导十分生动,即使从收音机收听也很有趣。 - The children are rather high-spirited (= excited and happy).
Spirited Accidents: An Autoethnography of Possibility
Bodies and Souls, or Spirited Bodies?
Spirited leading and learning : process wisdom for a new age
Spirited women : gender, religion, and cultural identity in the Nepal Himalaya
Native gay and lesbian issues: The two-spirited.
The Spirited Horse, the Engineer, and the Mathematician: Water Waves in Nineteenth-Century Hydrodynamics
Spirited Lives: How Nuns Shaped Catholic Culture and American Life, 1836-1920 by Carol K. Coburn; Martha Smith
Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered (GLBT) experiences with Earth-spirited faith.
The Controversy over Interspecific Competition: Despite spirited criticism, competition continues to occupy a major domain in ecolog...
Sexual Orientation Bias Experiences and Service Needs of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered, and Two-Spirited American Indians