用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- admire sb's spirit钦佩某人的精神
- arouse sb's spirit激起某人的精神,鼓起某人的士气
- brace up one's spirits振作精神
- break sb's spirits挫某人的锐气,使某人垂头丧气
- catch the spirit of the day赶上时代精神
- damp spirits败兴
- dash spirits使精神沮丧
- depend on a spirit of依靠…的精神
- develop a spirit of发扬…的精神
- display a spirit of表现…的精神
- have a spirit of具有…的精神
- heighten spirits振作精神
- inspire a spirit of鼓励〔激起〕一种…的精神
- keep up one's spirits振作精神
- lose one's spirits垂头丧气
- put spirits into work加劲干活
- raise sb's spirits提高某人的士气〔情绪〕
- recover one's spirits恢复士气〔情绪〕
- suit the spirit of the age符合时代精神
- understand the spirit of理解…的精神实质
- weaken the spirit of削弱…的精神〔士气〕
形容词+~- active spirit积极的精神
- American spirit美国人的精神
- brave spirit勇敢的精神
- civil spirit公民精神
- enterprising spirit进取精神
- good spirit伟大的精神,高昂的情绪
- great spirit伟大的精神,高昂的情绪
- independent spirit独立精神
- modern spirit现代精神
- noble spirit高尚的精神,高尚的人
- revolutionary spirit革命精神〔气概〕
- scientific spirit科学精神
- bad spirits坏心情〔情绪〕
- better spirits较佳的情绪
- cheerful spirits兴高采烈的情绪
- excellent spirits心境极佳
- flagging spirits萎靡不振的情绪
- friendly spirits友好的气氛
- high spirits高昂的情绪
- low spirits低落的情绪
- top spirits心境极佳
- evil spirit恶鬼
- leading spirit主要人物
名词+~- class spirit班级精神
- college spirit学院精神
- party spirit党性
- school spirit爱校心
- team spirit(组、队成员的)协作精神,集体精神
- the Christmas spirit基督教精神
- festival spirit节日的气氛
- holiday spirit假日的气氛
- war spirit战时气氛
介词+~- against the spirit违背精神
- in a spirit本着某种态度
- in spirits兴致勃勃
- full of spirit精力充沛
- out of spirits不高兴
- to one's spirit直至内心
- go at it with spirit斗志昂扬地干
~+介词- spirit of fun以开玩笑的态度
- spirit of gambling赌博风气
- spirit of law法律精神
- spirit of science科学精神
- spirit of the age时代精神
- spirit of the day时代精神
- spirit of youth and progress朝气
team spirit n. 团队精神;合作精神
holy spirit [宗]圣灵(等于Holy Ghost)
in the spirit of本着…的精神
olympic spirit奥林匹克精神;奥运精神
national spirit民族精神;国魂
in spirit在精神上
pioneering spirit开拓精神;首创精神;闯劲
enterprising spirit进取心,进取精神;创业精神
evil spirit恶魔;妖精
professional spirit n. 专业精神
white spirit石油溶剂油
time spirit n. 时代精神
high spirit斗志昂扬;勇气
free spirit n. 无拘无束的人;自由自在的人
group spirit团队精神
public spirit公益精神,公德心
entrepreneur spirit企业家精神;事业心
competitive spirit竞争意识,好胜心
spirit level水准仪;水平仪
collective spirit集体精神
soul, spirit, ghost
- He is endued with a spirit of public service.
他富有为公众服务的精神。 - We need a spirit of enterprise if we are to overcome our difficulties.
如果我们要克服困难,我们就要有进取精神。 - Now the rat of Panic was gnawing at Byron's spirit.
如今恐慌正象耗子一样在啃啮拜伦的心灵。 - Music lifted up the listening spirit.
音乐净化升华了倾听它的心灵。 - It will evaporate like a spirit.
它将来总要像幽灵一样化成云烟。 - They believe that his spirit lives on after death.
他们相信他死后灵魂还活着。 - She did not turn into foam. She became a spirit of the air and was happy at last.
- The boss is being in royal spirits right now.
此刻,老板情绪极好。 - The holiday gave him back his good spirits.
假期使他恢复了愉快的情绪。 - You must keep your father off strong spirits.
你必须让你父亲戒绝烈酒。 - The restaurant is not licensed for selling spirits.
The Spirit of Chinese Capitalism
The spirit of Chinese capitalism /
Phenomenology of Spirit
The Spirit Level: Why Equality Is Better for Everyone
The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost always do Better
The Second Self: Computers and the Human Spirit
The Romantic Ethic and the Spirit of Modern Consumerism by Colin Campbell
Reinventing government: How the entrepreneurial spirit is transforming government.
Reinventing government: how the entrepreneurial spirit is transforming the public sector
The psychological conditions of meaningfulness, safety and availability and the engagement of the human spirit at work