- Splenomegaly is almost constant.
脾肿大几乎是经常存在的。 - Methods Congestive splenomegaly was induced by stegnosis of the splenic vein and ligation of its collateral branches in rabbits, the splenic dynamical changes were observed.
Splenectomy for massive splenomegaly.
Splenomegaly should not be considered a contraindication for laparoscopic splenectomy.
Laparoscopic splenectomy for massive splenomegaly
Determination of splenomegaly by CT: is there a place for a single measurement?
Massive splenomegaly is associated with significant morbidity after laparoscopic splenectomy.
Reduction of suppressor T lymphocytes in the tropical splenomegaly syndrome
Silencing of microRNA-21 in vivo ameliorates autoimmune splenomegaly in lupus mice
Laparoscopic splenectomy in patients with normal-sized spleens versus splenomegaly: does size matter?
JAK2 V617F mutational status predicts progression to large splenomegaly and leukemic transformation in primary myelofibrosis
Clinical study of eighty-six cases of idiopathic portal hypertension and comparison with cirrhosis with splenomegaly.