cubic spline三次样条;三次样条曲线(线图);三次仿样函数
spline function样条函数
spline interpolation样条插值,样条内插;仿样内插法
involute spline渐开线花键
spline shaft花键轴;多槽轴;有齿轴
internal spline内花键;内齿槽
spline broach方栓槽拉刀;花键拉刀
- The tension is shown for each spline.
每个样条都显示了张力。 - The strain contours are plotted by using tensile spline approximation.
用张力样条函数绘制了它们的等值线图。 - The strain contours are plotted by using tensile spline approximation.
用张力样条函数绘制了它们的等值线图。 - The mathematical theory and merit of tension spline function in rainfall isoline smoothing were also introduced.
B-Spline Signal Processing
B-spline signal processing. I. Theory
Smoothing by spline functions
B-Spline Signal Processing : Part I-Theory
Smoothing by spline functions. II
B-spline signal processing. II. Efficiency design and applications
Recursively generated B-spline surfaces on arbitrary topological meshes
Recursively generated B-spline surfaces on arbitrary topological meshes
Some Aspects of the Spline Smoothing Approach to Non-Parametric Regression Curve Fitting
Clark, J.: Recursively generated b-spline surfaces on arbitrary topological meshes. Computer-Aided Design 10(6), 350-355