Floral Sprigged Cushion Cover
Black Fabric with Sprigged Motif
Sprigged bermudagrass needs ample phosphorus at grow-in
Cream Furnishing Fabric with Pink and Blue Sprigged Design
Effects of Residual Topramezone on Sprigged Hybrid Bermudagrass Establishment
Growing degree-day influence on sprigged establishment of two buffalograss cultivars.
Sulfonylurea Herbicide Safety on Newly Sprigged Bermudagrass and Seashore Paspalum
Timing of Oxadiazon and Quinclorac Application on Newly Sprigged Turfgrass Species
Tolerance of some trees and shrubs in newly sprigged and established St. Augustine grass to atrazine and simazine.
Stadium Course Nipped, Tucked; Foundation of Clubhouse to Be Finished Monday; Greens "Sprigged"and Growing