- It was a pressure of five tons per square meter.
每平方米的压力为五吨。 - His room is twenty square metres.
The square meter arcsecond resolution x-ray telescope: SMART-XThe square meter arcsecond resolution x-ray telescope: SMART-XSMART-X: Square Meter Arcsecond Resolution x-ray TelescopeA square meter position sensitive parallel plate detector for heavy ionsNaonometric thin film manufactured on square meter scale: ultra-thin film for CO2 captureDesign and performance of a one square meter proportional counter system for hard x-ray astronomyNanometric thin film membranes manufactured on square meter scale: ultra-thin films for CO2 captureRelationship between daily dose of imatinib per square meter and its plasma concentration in patients with chronic-phase chronic mye...Pressure-Viscosity Measurements for Several Lubricants to 5.5 Ã 108 Newtons Per Square Meter (8 Ã 104 PSI) and 149 C (300 F)Methotrexate pharmacokinetics and effects in women receiving methotrexate 50 mg and 60 mg per square meter for early abortion