A STAP overview
STAP with angle-Doppler compensation for bistatic airborne radars
Optimal and adaptive reduced-rank STAP
Multistage partially adaptive STAP CFAR detection algorithm
Cytoglobin/STAP, its unique localization in splanchnic fibroblast-like cells and function in organ fibrogenesis
A deterministic least-squares approach to space-time adaptive processing (STAP)
Characterization of a stellate cell activation-associated protein (STAP) with peroxidase activity found in rat hepatic stellate cells
Comparison of genotypic and phenotypic methods for species-level identification of clinical isolates of coagulase-negative staphyloc...
Comparison of phage typing and DNA fingerprinting by polymerase chain reaction for discrimination of methicillin-resistant Staphyloc...
Erratum: Characterization of a stellate cell activation-associated protein (STAP) with peroxidase activity found in rat hepatic stel...