- The Tibet Plateau belongs to the alpine cold meadow and steppe landscape, which is characterized by poor water and soil conservation and vulnerability to serious soil erosion.
Steppe vegetation of Washington.Evolution in Steppe with Few Large, Hooved MammalsRise and fall of the Beringian steppe bison.Long-Term Forage Production of North American Shortgrass SteppeFire History and Western Juniper Encroachment in Sagebrush SteppeLivestock Grazing: Animal and Plant Biodiversity of Shortgrass Steppe and the Relationship to Ecosystem FunctionFactors determining the abundance and distribution of rodents in a shrub-steppe ecosystem: the role of shrubsHabitat Structure, Patchiness, and Avian Communities in North American Steppe Vegetation: A Multivariate AnalysisLANDSCAPE-SCALE CHANGES IN PLANT SPECIES ABUNDANCE AND BIODIVERSITY OF A SAGEBRUSH STEPPE OVER 45 YEARSHabitat and Season in Structuring Ground-Dwelling Spider (Araneae) Communities in a Shortgrass Steppe Ecosystem