prairie fire草原火灾;星火燎原
prairie dog[动]北美的草原土拨鼠
- The prairie is topped occasionally by low hills.
偶尔可见大草原上隆起几座低矮的小山。 - A cowboy fell off his horse and broke his leg on the prairie.
Prairie conservation in North America
Effects of Turbidity on Prey Consumption by Prairie Stream Fishes
Models for Guiding Management of Prairie Bird Habitat in Northwestern North Dakota
Prescribed Extreme Fire Effects on Richness and Invasion in Coastal Prairie
Land use and vegetation associated with greater prairie-chicken leks in an agricultural landscape
Loss of plant species after chronic low-level nitrogen deposition to prairie grasslands
Responses of Small Mammals and Vegetation to a Reintroduction of Gunnison's Prairie Dogs
Hydrology of Prairie Pothole Wetlands during Drought and Deluge: A 17-Year Study of the Cottonwood Lake Wetland Complex in North Dak...
A landscape approach to conserving wetland bird habitat in the prairie pothole region of eastern South Dakota.
Burrow distribution of the thirteen-lined ground squirrel in grazed mixed-grass prairie: Effect of artificial habitat structure