steve jobs斯蒂芬·乔布斯(苹果电脑的首席执行员)
steve ballmer史蒂夫·鲍尔默(微软首席执行官)
steve nash n. 史蒂夫纳什(NBA篮球运动员)
steve davis史蒂夫戴维斯(桌球运动员)
- Can you fill in for Steve tonight as he's ill?
史蒂夫病了,今晚你能顶替他吗? - At first, Steve seemed very friendly.
Steve Cohen is backing a former Amex exec solving a financial pain point facing 35% of the American workforce
3-way conversation (An interview with Lea Anderson and Steve Blake about their long-term collaboration and the new piece '3')
Primer3 on the WWW for General Users and for Biologist Programmers
Fast parallel algorithms for short-range molecular dynamics
Fitting Linear Mixed-Effects Models Using lme4
Fast parallel algorithms for short-range molecular dynamics
Fluorine in Medicinal Chemistry
Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling
A survey on visual surveillance of object motion and behaviors
SP600125, an anthrapyrazolone inhibitor of Jun N-terminal kinase