STINKWOOD STORIESZieria arborescens (stinkwood) intoxication in cattleProposed stinkwood table and chair to be presented to gen. J.C. SmutsPorcupine damage to a syringa-white stinkwood forest.Experimental Zieria arborescens (stinkwood) poisoning in rabbitsMacro and micro-propagation of red stinkwood [Prunus africana (Hook. F.) Kalkman (1965) in KenyaOld Chest Groot Schuur [Groote Schuur] (No. 7F) and Stinkwood Chair Groot Schuur (No. 9F)What lives inside the galls on Black Stinkwood leaves? : the discovery of a new species of gall-inducing insectAnalytical and pharmacological investigation of Ocotea bullata (black stinkwood) bark and leaves.Trioza bullatae sp. n. (Hemiptera: Psylloidea), a New Gall-Inducing Pest on Black Stinkwood (Ocotea bullata, Lauraceae) in South Afr...