Stipule and colleter anatomy of Psychotria carthagenensis Jacq. (Rubiaceae).
Etude infrastructurale de la stipule de Vicia faba L. au niveau du nectaire
Regulation of stipule development by COCHLEATA and STIPULE-REDUCED genes in pea Pisum sativum
Paternal Inheritance of X-Ray Induced Foliaceous Stipule in the Peanut
Organ-wise homologies of stipule, leaf and inflorescence between Pisum sativum genetic variants, Delonix regia and Caesalpinia bon...
Growth and maintenance respiration of leaflet, stipule, tendril, rachis, and petiole tissues that make up the compound leaf of pea (...
Biotic factors affecting the expression of partial resistance in pea to ascochyta blight in a detached stipule assay
Biotic factors affecting the expression of partial resistance in pea to ascochyta blight in a detached stipule assay
The questionable affinities of Lactoris: Evidence from branching pattern, inflorescence morphology, and stipule development
Diameters of microtubules change during rotation of the lipotubuloids of Ornithogalum umbellatum stipule epidermis as a result of va...