Natural history of subfoveal pigment epithelial detachments associated with subfoveal or unidentifiable choroidal neovascularization...Sleep disturbances and behavior problems in children with and without arthritisOpening Closed Skies: The Prospects for Further Liberalization of Trade in International Air Transport ServicesA paradigm shift to balance safety and quality in pediatric pain managementPrzypadek olbrzymiego mięsaka prążkowanokomórkowego głowy i szyi o skąpoobjawowym przebiegu klinicznym ☆CONTROLLABLY DEGRADABLE THERMOPLASTIC POLYURETHANEControllably degradable thermoplastic polyurethane and overgrips made therefromPulmonary Alveolar proteinosis. Lobar localization and surgical excision.Rzadki przypadek rozległego samoistnego krwiaka gardła, krtani i tchawicy jako przyczyna zwężenia dróg oddechowych u 75-letniej...[Rare case of upper respiratory tract obstruction secondary to massive hematoma of pharynx, larynx and trachea].