- Pipe supports should be provided under the valve and strainer bodies.
管道支撑应该在阀门和过滤器主体之下。 - Avoid damaging effects of foreign matter in the flow by using a strainer ahead of the valve.
Compliant connector for ECCS strainer modules
WCAP Methodology Related to Chemical Effect of Containment Sump Strainer in PWR
Fabrication of Superhydrophobic and High Oleophobic Stainless Steel Strainer and Its Corrosion Resistance
Functional MR of the primary auditory cortex: an analysis of pure tone activation and tone discrimination.
Accuracy of single-voxel proton MR spectroscopy in distinguishing neoplastic from nonneoplastic brain lesions
Efficient tumor formation by single human melanoma cells
Primary HIV-1 Infection Is Associated with Preferential Depletion of CD4+ T Lymphocytes from Effector Sites in the Gastrointestinal ...
On the relations between seen objects and components of potential actions
Type 1 and type 2 cytokine imbalance in acute respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis.
In utero supplementation with methyl donors enhances allergic airway disease in mice.