winning streak连胜
losing streak[体育]连败场数、记录
streak camera超快扫描照相机;超高速扫描摄影机
- The children streaked off (down the street) as fast as they could.
孩子们拼命地(沿街)飞跑。 - The cat streaked across the road with a dog behind it.
有只狗在后面,这只猫飞快地越过马路。 - He disappeared round the corner like a streak of lightning.
Streaking in median filtered images
Attosecond angular streaking
Streaking artifacts reduction in four-dimensional cone-beam computed tomography
Esca (Black Measles) and Brown Wood-Streaking: Two Old and Elusive Diseases of Grapevines
Time-resolved photoemission by attosecond streaking: extraction of time information
The accurate FROG characterization of attosecond pulses from streaking measurements
Ponderomotive streaking of the ionization potential as a method for measuring pulse durations in the XUV domain with fs resolution
Elimination of point streaking on silver stained two‐dimensional gels by addition of iodoacetamide to the equilibration buffer
Toners for electrophotographic imaging apparatus having anti-streaking and anti-filming properties
First report of whitefly-associated squash silverleaf disorder of Cucurbita in Arizona and of white streaking disorder of Brassica s...