用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- admit new students招收新生
- ask a student提问学生
- assign a student to把学生分配到…
- confuse a student使学生感到困惑不解
- encourage student鼓励学生
- examine a student考学生
- grade a student给学生评分
- guide a student指导学生
- help a student帮助学生
- make a poor student表现差的学生
- praise a student表扬学生
- punish a student惩罚学生
- puzzle a student使学生迷惑不解
- register the students给学生注册
- reward a student奖励学生
- take in new students招收新生
- teach a student教学生
- test the students测试学生
形容词+~- above-average student中等以上的学生
- advanced student高年级学生
- bad student坏学生
- beginning student初学者
- careless student粗心的学生
- clever student聪明的学生
- diligent student勤奋的学生
- doctoral student博士生
- dull student反应迟钝的学生
- eager student好学的学生
- excellent student优等生
- fast student一学就会的学生
- foreign student外国学生
- full-time student正规学生
- good student好学生
- high-school student中学生
- highly qualified student素质很好的学生
- highly successful student高材生
- intelligent student聪明的学生
- lazy student懒惰的学生
- medical student医科学生
- night-school student夜校学生
- outstanding student优秀生
- overseas student外国学生
- poor student穷学生,学习吃力的学生
- self-funded student自费生
- strong student身体强壮的学生
- stupid student蠢笨的学生
- talented student有天赋的学生
- top student最好的学生
- useless student无用的学生
- weak student学习差的学生,体弱的学生
名词+~- adult student成人学生
- chemistry student攻读化学的学生
- college student大学生
- day student走读生
- degree student硕士生
- evening student夜校学生
- exchange student交换生
- graduate student研究生
- language student学习语言的学生
- law student法科学生
- physics student攻读物理的学生
- research student研究生
- science student理科学生
- university student大学生
~+名词- student achievement学生成绩
- student nurse实习护士
- student politics大学生的政治活动
- student teacher实习教师
介词+~- campus life of students学生的校园生活
- be patient with the students对学生有耐心
- be strict with the students对学生要求严格
~+介词- student of good character and scholarship品学兼优的学生
- student of human nature人性学者
- student of politics政治学者
- student of science理科学生
- student of the senior years高年级的学生
- student of theology神学学者
- student under Dr. Michael迈克尔博士的门生
college student大学生
university student大学生
graduate student n. 研究生;毕业生
good student好学生
foreign student外国学生,外籍学生;留学生
high school student高中生
international student国际学生;留学生
middle school student中学生
student loan助学贷款
student visa学生签证
student life学生生活;学习生活
doctoral student博士生
excellent student优秀学生;优等生
girl student女学生
student id学生证;学号
outstanding student优秀学生,杰出学生
postgraduate student硕士研究生
poor student贫困生;学困生
student body全体学生;学生的总称
undergraduate student本科生
student, learner, pupil, scholar
- A student should always be curious to learn.
学生应该始终具有强烈的求知欲。 - A young student fainted in the hot sun.
有个年幼的学生在炎炎烈日下晕倒了。 - John is more diligent than any other student in his class.
约翰比班上其他的同学用功。 - Such a good student as he (is) will succeed.
像他这样的好学生一定会成功。 - How many students are there in your class?
你们班有多少个学生? - He is a student of international politics.
他是研究国际政治的学者。 - He became an ardent student of Marxism during college.
Leaving College: Rethinking the Causes and Cures of Student Attrition by Vincent Tinto
Classrooms: Goals, structures, and student motivation.
Leaving College: Rethinking the Causes and Cures of Student Attrition. Second Edition.
...Traditional Methods: A Six-Thousand-Student ...
Teacher Quality and Student Achievement: A Review of State Policy Evidence.
Measurement, design, and analysis: An integrated approach, Student ed.
PISA 2009 Results: What Students Know and Can Do. Student Performance in Reading, Mathematics and Science. Volume I.
Effects of Teachers' Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching on Student Achievement.
A Motivational Science Perspective on the Role of Student Motivation in Learning and Teaching Contexts.
Understanding Student Learning.