- The hypothesis can explain various characters going with idiot savant.
这个假说能对白痴学者所表现的种种特征加以解析说明。 - I need to be taught by savant who was focus on EV and FCV.
Le savant et le politique
The mind of a savant :
Savant: genome browser for high-throughput sequencing data.
The mind of a savant : language learning and modularity
Le Savant et le populaire. Miserabilisme et populisme en sociologie et en litterature
La Transposition Didactique: Du savoir Savant ao Savoir Ensignè
La transposition didactique : du savoir savant au savoir enseigné
Autism and pitch processing: A precursor for savant musical ability.
Explaining and inducing savant skills: privileged access to lower level, less-processed information
Exploratory subsetting of autism families based on savant skills improves evidence of genetic linkage to 15q11-q13.