- They have be award the subcontract for all the electrical work in the new building .
Study of Potential Cost Reductions Resulting from Super-Large-Scale Manufacturing of PV Modules Study of Potential Cost Reductions R...Subcontract: A Flexible Base for Distributed ProgrammingSubcontract: A Flexible Base for Distributed ProgrammingObject oriented system for executing application call by using plurality of client-side subcontract mechanism associated with corres...A Study of Small Subcontract and Make‐to‐Order Firms in Relation to Quotation for OrdersFourth Party Logistics' Efforts-Influenced Subcontract Incentive MechanismAdministrative Subcontract in Chinese Atmospheric Environmental Governance——A Stochastic Evolutionary Game AnalysisEFG Technology and Diagnostic R&D for Large-Scale PV Manufacturing; Final Subcontract Report, 1 March 2002 - 31 March 2005A flexible base for distributed programmingMethod and apparatus for allowing generic stubs to marshal and unmarshal data in object reference specific data formats