Sublittoral Gammaridea (Amphipoda) of the Hawaiian IslandsBottom Communities (Sublittoral or Shallow Shelf)Chapter 17: Bottom Communities (Sublittoral or Shallow Shelf)sublittoral ecology of West Island, South Australia. 1. environmental features and the algal ecologyDeep-sea and upper sublittoral hydrothermal vent communities: two different phenomena? Chem GeolResuspension in the shallow sublittoral zone of a macrotidal estuarine environment: Wind influenceVariation in the sublittoral macrozoobenthos of the Baltic Sea along environmental gradients: A functional‐group approachInfluence of sublittoral microphytobenthos on the oxygen and nutrient flux between sediment and water. A laboratory continuous-flow ...The Effect of Buoyant Biofilms on the Erodibility of Sublittoral Sediments of a Temperate Microtidal EstuaryGrowth Strategies of Three Laminaria Species (Phaeophyceae) Inhabiting Different Depth Zones in the Sublittoral Region of Helgoland ...