- A subluxation occurs when the kneecap is pulled toward the outside of the knee.
当膝盖骨被拉到膝部外面发生半脱位。 - They may have an intrasheath subluxation of the peroneal tendons, which can be confirmed with use of a dynamic ultrasound.
Cervical subluxation: a deceptive soft tissue injury
Hip subluxation as a complication of arthroscopic debridement
Subluxations and dislocations of the tendon of the long head of the biceps.
Meniscal subluxation: association with osteoarthritis and joint space narrowing
Plate and screw fixation for atlanto-axial subluxation
Voluntary subluxation of the shoulder in children. A long-term follow-up study of 36 shoulders.
The diagnosis of knee motion limits, subluxations, and ligament injury
Atlanto-axial rotatory fixation. (Fixed rotatory subluxation of the atlanto-axial joint).
Studies on Dysplastic Acetabula and Congenital Subluxation of the Hip Joint with Special Reference to the Complication of Osteo-Arth...
Patellofemoral Kinematics During Weight-Bearing and Non-Weight-Bearing Knee Extension in Persons With Lateral Subluxation of the Pat...