Sets subtending a constant angle on a circle
Influence of the subtending leaf on the growth of axillary bud and formation of banji bud in tea
Changes of sucrose metabolism in leaf subtending to cotton boll under cool temperature due to late planting
Changes in C/N Ratio of Subtending Leaf of Cotton Boll and Its Relationship with Cotton Boll Dry Matter Accumulation and Distribution
Gas exchange by pods and subtending leaves and internal recycling of CO2 by pods of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) subjected to water...
A Quantitative Study of Carbon Transfer from Pod and Subtending Leaf to the Ripening Seeds of the Field Pea (Pisum arvense L.)
Potassium application affects carbohydrate metabolism in the leaf subtending the cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) boll and its relat...
Incremental Doses of Dobutamine Induce a Biphasic Response in Dysfunctional Left Ventricular Regions Subtending Coronary Stenoses
Effects of beta-blockade and atropine on ischemic responses in left ventricular regions subtending coronary stenosis during dobutami...
Waterlogging during flowering and boll forming stages affects sucrose metabolism in the leaves subtending the cotton boll and its re...