subtropical high亚热带高压,副热带高压
subtropical zone亚热带,副热带
subtropical climate亚热带气候
subtropical monsoon climate亚热带季风性气候
- This country has a subtropical climate.
这个国家属于亚热带气候。 - The city locates in subtropical region.
Tropical and Subtropical VegetationHibernation by a free-ranging subtropical bat ( Nyctophilus bifax )Quantification of Wood Habitat in Subtropical Coastal Plain StreamsUnicellular cyanobacteria fix N2 in the subtropical North Pacific Ocean.Livestock grazing in subtropical pastures: steps in the analysis of attribute response and plant functional typesPhosphate solubilizing bacteria from subtropical soil and their tricalcium phosphate solubilizing abilitiesFood webs supporting fish over subtropical mudflats are based on transported organic matter not in situ microalgaeBIOGEOCHEMICAL CHANGES ACCOMPANYING WOODY PLANT ENCROACHMENT IN A SUBTROPICAL SAVANNAA Case Study of the Energy Budget of a Snowpack in the Arid, Subtropical Climate of the Southwestern United Statesδ 13 C values of soil organic carbon and their use in documenting vegetation change in a subtropical savanna ecosystem