- If you have any suggestions, you can write them down on paper and put the paper into the suggestion box.
如果有意见,可以写在纸上放进意见箱。 - Businesspeople frequently joked about the suggestion box and cartoons lambasted the futility of putting ideas in the employee suggestion box.
Suggestion BoxSuggestion boxSuggestion box• Friends NewsMODEL-BASED COMPUTER VISIONMonty's suggestion boxDOT l_ INEFFECTIVE POSToENDARTEREfZTOMY[O_is et aLAn Outline of a Proposed Clinical - Statistical Study of Lung CancerThe origin and evolution of the odd-Z iron-peak elements Sc, V, Mn, and Co in the Milky Way stellar disk , Chiara Battistini and Tho...Modified cellulosic fibersSurvivors guide to graduate researchSupervised learning from human performance at the computationally hard problem of optimal traffic signal control on a network of jun...Tricky Tony's frosty Nixon moment