Correlation between computed tomography and gross anatomy of the suspensory ligament of the ovary
Effect of androgens on the cranial suspensory ligament and ovarian position.
Ventrally dislocated attachment of the ovarian suspensory ligament, a risk factor for tubal occlusion as a postoperative complicatio...
Partial denervation of the ovaries by transection of the suspensory ligament does not inhibit ovulation in rats treated with pregnan...
Davis, W.G: A dual action of 5-hydroxytryptamine on the ovarian suspensory ligament of the rat. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 28, 502-504
Surgical views - suspensory ligament rupture technique during ovariohysterectomy in small animals.
The origin of the extrinsic adrenergic innervation to the rat ovary
Anatomy of the round ligament in female infants and children with an inguinal hernia
A simple technique of ovarian suspension in preparation for in vitro fertilization
Time course of sympathetic denervation of the rat ovary after freezing its nerve supply