- He took a deep swig from the bottle.
- John kept swigging at the bottle of brandy.
SWIG: An Easy to Use Tool for Integrating Scripting Languages with C and C++
Automated scientific software scripting with SWIG
Automated scientific software scripting with SWIG
Efficient computation of derivatives for solving optimization problems in R and Python using SWIG-generated interfaces to ADOL-C†
WDR5 Associates with Histone H3 Methylated at K4 and Is Essential for H3 K4 Methylation and Vertebrate Development
Modeling the Therapeutic Efficacy of p53 Restoration in Tumors
A PHD finger of NURF couples histone H3 lysine 4 trimethylation with chromatin remodelling
Human blood contains two subsets of dendritic cells, one immunologically mature and the other immature.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Spinoculation Enhances Infection through Virus Binding
Mast cells are required for angiogenesis and macroscopic expansion of Myc-induced pancreatic islet tumors