- India's culture is marked by a high degree of syncretism and pluralism.
印度文化以高度的融合性和多元性而著称。 - The European integration means the syncretism of economy, politics and cultures.
Syncretism and Paradigmatic Opposition
Syncretism without paradigms: Remarks on Williams 1981, 1994
Syncretism without paradigms: Remarks on Williams 1981, 1994
Syncretism and Its Synonyms: Reflections on Cultural Mixture
Medical syncretism with reference to malaria in a Tanzanian community.
The Syntax-morphology interface: a study of syncretism
Syncretism/Anti-Syncretism: The Politics of Religious Synthesis. by Charles Stewart; Rosalind Shaw
The Syntax-Morphology Interface - A Study of Syncretism
The religious syncretism in The Matrix : a dialogue and critique with logos theology /
Language shift and cultural reproduction : socialization, self, and syncretism in a Papua New Guinean village