Localization of a Gene for Syndactyly Type 1 to Chromosome 2q34-q36
Long QT syndrome associated with syndactyly identified in females
A new form of long QT syndrome associated with syndactyly
Mutations in HOXD13 Underlie Syndactyly Type V and a Novel Brachydactyly-Syndactyly Syndrome
Differential effects of FGFR2 mutations on syndactyly and cleft palate in Apert syndrome
Roles for Laminin in Embryogenesis: Exencephaly, Syndactyly, and Placentopathy in Mice Lacking the Laminin α5 Chain
Triphalangeal thumb-polysyndactyly syndrome and syndactyly type IV are caused by genomic duplications involving the long range, limb...
Reorganization of somatosensory area 3b representations in adult owl monkeys after digital syndactyly.
Expression of Gja1 correlates with the phenotype observed in oculodentodigital syndrome/type III syndactyly.
Bilateral periventricular nodular heterotopia with mental retardation and syndactyly in boys: a new X-linked mental retardation synd...