[Revolutionary progress is to be expected when health care will be marked by genetics][A successful surgical repair of ventricular septal perforation, whose perforated position could be marked by Swan-Ganz catheter bef...Method of making a plastic material sensitive to laser radiation and enabling it to be marked by a laser, and articles obtained ther...Facial pain associated with fibromyalgia can be marked by abnormal neuromuscular control: a cross-sectional study.“Mountains might be marked by a drop of glue”: Blindness, Touch and Tactile MapsInnate differences in weight gain and associated behaviour can be marked by cortisol responsivityDistricts Cleaning Up as Classes Loom First Week of School at Cary-Grove Will Be Marked by Construction2009 To Be Marked by Challenges, Rewardsyear will be marked by output, adaptability, TheTelford Hanging to Be Marked by Rally