- This dissertation is to further the theories of ship technology management and informationization and systematization of shipping enterprises.
The surface acidity of solid oxides and its characterization by IR spectroscopic methods. An attempt at systematization. Phys Chem 1...
Race, class, and environmental health: a review and systematization of the literature.
From implementation to design:tailoring and the emergence of systematization in CSCW
From Implementation to Design: Tailoring and the Emergence of Systematization in CSCW.
Quality metrics in high-dimensional data visualization: an overview and systematization
Quality Metrics in High-Dimensional Data Visualization: An Overview and Systematization
The Secularization Paradigm: A Systematization
Porous indium-organic frameworks and systematization of structural building blocks.
Hueckel-type rules and the systematization of borane and heteroborane chemistry
Evolution as a basis for the systematization of nematodes.